
4 Days to go!

4 days away from being done my eng undergrad!! ! the excitement is mounting, but so is the uncertainty! there’s a lot that needs to be done in the next couple of weeks, and I dont think there are enough hours in the day to acheive them all! which just means that i’ll be borrowing some hours from night!

3 out of the 5 courses this semester are done! indeed a great feeling! there’s no point in reviewing things right now since it own’t make any difference to the outcome. the important part is that I gave it my best!


The Hobby!

I was thinking about why i started this blog and this whole domain thing… and well this answers it!


Great Read!

LIFE Magazine January 5th, 1948


2010 Goals & Resolutions

Things I hope to accomplish in 2010!

Get a Job

Finish Last Semester at McMaster University!

Finish OI6 Design Project – Autonomous Racer!