Pakistan Weekends of Awesomeness


The last post on this was more than a year ago! In that year, a lot happened! but all that matters is I found a beautiful girl in Pakistan, got engaged and am now married! My Wife  was introduced to me by my parents, who heard about her from my cousins. To limit that year to just  that would be an understatement.

Weekends of Awesomeness

Weekends of Awesomeness

No Stopping
This was a great weekend… One of many, I hope! Vancouver Auto show and the last snowboard run of the season at Crystal Mountain resort.
Highlights of today were going down rainier express, touching 44mph on the board(and knowing that thanks to the iPhone Allsnow app!), not having any major falls, dropping my goggles from the chairlift on first run, no stopping.
One big need identified is the hero 2 go pro !

Just wow.