

My next favorite site for lens selection!

So, came across this site on lifehacker, and have to say that its amazing… Normally, i’d research the lenses at dpreview, but it wasnt always as easy to use and loved the suggest feature.

Being the site that it is, it suggested a 70-300, which was definitely one i had in mind, but i dont know if i will go with a tamron – will just have to try it out to find out! maybe an early christmas gift for myself wouldn’t be too bad right now?

Overall, i think anyone who is thinking of expanding their lenses or just wants to see what he/she should look for next, its a great site!

And the address for this great site is!


The Technology Arena in 5 Years

I think this is as good time as another to try and predict the future of technology. I’m going to organize this by looking at the Past, Present and then finally the future. I feel going about it this way we can see the trends and see how different parts of technology were embraced while others were shunned, or simply discarded. To make it a little more organized, I’m also going to split this up into, what I think are, the big industries of our time. Since these are also the industries most affected from technology, they also in someway have a big say as to where things were and where they’re going.


Three Cups of Tea [Book Review]

Just finished reading this book, and I have to say it really is an amazing story about a real life Indiana Jones!
Starting from the failure to climb K2, to the kidnapping in Afghanistan and ending on a minefield. Amazing story and inspirational to how one man can actually make a difference. And as it says in the last chapter of the book – When the Heart speaks, take notes – It’s an amazing way to end the book.

The mission to bring literacy to remote parts of Pakistan is one that I have always supported and can be added on to the amazing self funded projects currently running in Pakistan. TAC is another such project that I think has done well, but more focussed on one of the bigger cities in Pakistan – Lahore. The book has also been able to bring to light the best part about Pakistani culture – the unwaivering hospitality of its people.

All in all, I recommend reading this book, simply to understand the importance of education and the change one man can bring given the determination and right mindset. Things easier said than done. Lets all hope that Mr. Greg continues his work for Pakistan and the rest of the world.


Miner’s Rescue

33 men rescued in Chile… what an amazing feat of achievement. I have to say that the people came out looking like the y were just trapped for only a day, but the fact of the matter is that they were in there for 69 days! they were living in close quarters, and had to do everything in this small, windowless, airless space. luckily 2 weeks after they were trapped, they were found and were provided with the essentials, like food and water… but just imagine those first 10 days, thinking that there is a possibility that they will die there… and whatever they have with them may be the last things they see! after that time, even hearing that they will be seeing their loved ones and fresh air after a 2-3 month mission would have been great news.
man can defeat all obstacles, patience is key.

Uncategorized fixes

so it took me a while, but its finally done! archives page automatically creates the thumbnail and also hopefully have the cronjob running every 24 hrs… we’ll find out in 22 hours for sure.
only thing left to do now is to fix the archives page so its paged, will need to tweak the code for the theme to get it running.
Leo’s growing up quick, and the 13 days with Leo post seems so long ago! he was hesitant with the walks at first, but is getting used to them now. not ready to some off leash walks yet, but everything in due time! he has some hot spots on his chest, but thats probably just because of the heat/humidity getting too much for the dog. also need to shower him and dry him efficiently – the towel is a little too much!