Weekly Post

New laptop day!

Got the new M1 macbook, and I just have to say one thing about Apple products – they may not always get it right on day 1, but the intentional incremental improvements in their products lead to some fantastic end results. I still remember the first commercial for the macbook air in the brown manila envelope as iconic for the generation. ofcourse, that version felt slugging and a compromise to get the thin and light form factor. but now, after however many years, I can definitely say that the display, keyboard, screen and CPU are incredible!

Weekly Post

New Tablet Day!

Weekly Post

New Laptop Day!

Got myself a new macbook air today! First time going from Windows to MacOS, and so far the transition has been smooth. All my favorite apps are cross-platform so I haven’t lost anything in the transition so far!

Started this post to try out the keyboard feel and how it would last for long typing sessions. and so far it looks very comfortable, and easy to get used to. I like that the keyboard isnt too loud when typing, but has good amount of travel with each key.

Top of Mind items:

  1. Long weekend
  2. Q4 Planning
    1. Migrations handoff
    2. Operations
    3. Spool Data Platform
Weekly Post

2019 – The year of self improvement!

It’s hard to believe (again) that its already February 2019, marking 5+ years of this blog? There’s a lot I’ve learnt by maintaining this site, and having it as a side project that would often get sidelined for other projects or life commitments!

So, now after all this time, I think i’ve figured out the the theme! Well, atleast for now, the themes can change! Either way, the idea for this year’s posts will be around self improvement. I feel I’ve always been curious about this area, and while I’ve tried to apply some principles in the past, nothing was ever maintained. So for 2019, I – Haider Razi – will document my application of those principles on this blog.

Any change starts with measuring where I’m right now. So, here’s a little about my self. 32 years old, 245lbs.

So for 2019, I will:

  1. Run a Marathon
  2. Ride a Century