Leo! A golden retriever pup is a ball of joy… and work! soo much work that I never though a puppy could be! but its because of him that the last 13 days have flown by!
so lets summarize whats happened since then…
the biggest highlight has of course been the deworming, leo had stopped eating and energy had gone down, the deworming process is long and today also marks the last day of the antibiotics! administering those antibiotics is also a pretty impressive task – especially when the pup doesnt like one of them! but either way, leo is doing fine now, health is back up and he’s responding well… in about 2 weeks he’ll be ready for the first of his many walks!
Author: Haider
Time to start getting things done!
Well, turns out I have some time out for myself…. that only means that I am going to spend more time on hRazi and hopefully get some things done by the end of the free time!
Update hrazi.com, be regular on blog.hrazi.com annnd… i guess thats it for now… but need to start making some apps and better css to make things look more presentable!
And so it starts!
May 5th, 2010 – wow. I can’t believe the date has finally arrived! I remember last year I was choosing the date and getting everything booked. And now its already here, summer is about to start/has started. I guess the only thing I’m waiting for are the grades! I should be fine, but there is always that one scenario that one has to be prepared for!
It shouldn’t be a bad flight, but having said that – it will definitely be a long one! Have a book to keep me company, and well that’s enough for now. Have a couple of books planned to be read during the summer too, so looks good.
But remember – this too shall pass. The ever sobering thought, definitely makes you enjoy the small things in life!
4 Days to go!
4 days away from being done my eng undergrad!! ! the excitement is mounting, but so is the uncertainty! there’s a lot that needs to be done in the next couple of weeks, and I dont think there are enough hours in the day to acheive them all! which just means that i’ll be borrowing some hours from night!
3 out of the 5 courses this semester are done! indeed a great feeling! there’s no point in reviewing things right now since it own’t make any difference to the outcome. the important part is that I gave it my best!
The Hobby!
I was thinking about why i started this blog and this whole domain thing… and well this answers it!