Weekly Post

2019 – The year of self improvement!

It’s hard to believe (again) that its already February 2019, marking 5+ years of this blog? There’s a lot I’ve learnt by maintaining this site, and having it as a side project that would often get sidelined for other projects or life commitments!

So, now after all this time, I think i’ve figured out the the theme! Well, atleast for now, the themes can change! Either way, the idea for this year’s posts will be around self improvement. I feel I’ve always been curious about this area, and while I’ve tried to apply some principles in the past, nothing was ever maintained. So for 2019, I – Haider Razi – will document my application of those principles on this blog.

Any change starts with measuring where I’m right now. So, here’s a little about my self. 32 years old, 245lbs.

So for 2019, I will:

  1. Run a Marathon
  2. Ride a Century

1 Post in 2017?!

Well, this is embarrassing… only one post on the site for 2017! what can I say about 2017 – it was a little bit of a whirlwind – Changed teams at Amazon, 1st Wedding Anniversary, and then… Q4 at the new team?

All in all, it’s now 2018, and time to look ahead. Some 2018 Resolutions:


  1. Get back in shape
  2. Be regular on the blog

3 weeks in

We’re already 3 weeks into the 2017 and I haven’t had a chance to update on a lot of things. So here’s a post about what’s been happening so far, and the plan for the next couple of weeks.


The thing about Weight Loss

I’m packing a bunch of my clothes from 2 years ago right now, because I can’t fit into them! That is super embarrassing, but it is the elephant in the room [get it?]. So, today I signed up for the run that got me in that shape! The Seattle Rock’n’Roll Marathon. I have about 7 months to prepare for the Marathon(28 weeks), which should be fine. I want to target a good time for this one.


The road to half Iron Man

2016 is closing with a lot of highlights but one lowlight that’s been haunting me for two years now – not having completed the 1/2 ironman. 70.3 – 1.2 mi swim, 56 mi bike ride and a good old 13.1 mi run. I can’t wait to cross this one out from the bucket list and become a regular triathlete!